Erwachsene männlich
CH Eiserblew Murphy seal-colourpoint (Gaby Zürcher / CH) |
IC Gulbeanies Frederick Lionni seal-mitted (Kirstin Hinz-Gulba / D) |
GIC Ratatouille von Buchsee blue-mitted (Christine von Arx / CH) |
CH Hanna`s Welt Sugar Dream seal-bicolour (Mandy Friedrich-Krahl / CH) |
Soap-Bubble Uncle Ben`s blue-tabby-colourpoint (Martina Illmer / CH) |
Erwachsene weiblich
Hanna`s Welt U'R Kathleen seal-colourpoint (Mandy Friedrich-Krahl / CH) |
IC Cheyenne von den Zwergenhöhlen seal-mitted (Christine von Arx / CH) |
Seieroes Prinsess Josephine seal-bicolour (Marian Groenendijk / NL) |
Ulyza Violetta of Golden Coast lilac-tabby-mitted (Heidy Pfister / CH) |
Kastraten männlich
U-Taiki-Shigeru vom Rheinfallblick seal-colourpoint (Manuela Gnädinger / CH) |
IP Sheakspeare vom Rheinfallblick seal-mitted (Saira Gnädinger / CH) |
SC Parzival of Moos Ranch seal-bicolour (Christine von Arx / CH) |
Kastraten weiblich
PR Nanny of Red Sunset blue-colourpoint (Markus & Sonja Gnädinger / CH) |
IP Larissa of Moos Ranch seal-mitted (Doris Doriot / CH) |
CH Hanna`s Welt Rivella blue-mitted (Mandy Friedrich-Krahl / CH) |
Jungtier 6 - 10 Monate weiblich
Silmarilions Unique blue-colourpoint (Sylvie Cartiser / CH) |